Late Registration: New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
To register for a class after the drop/add deadline, you are required to obtain the authorization from the instructor and college that offers the class. The college offering the course is listed in the course catalog, under course details, under “offered by.” Students who wish to request late registration must follow the instructions listed below. You are requesting an exception to university policy; there is no guarantee that a late request will be approved.
Complete the following steps in the order in which they are listed:
- Fill out an Enrollment Change Request Form.
- Email the instructor to request approval to add their class late. In order for the college to consider your request for an exception to the enrollment policy, you must obtain a dated signature (email approval) from the instructor before forwarding your request.
- If the instructor supports an approval for late registration to their course, forward their email approval to within 24-hours, along with a completed Enrollment Change Request Form. (Approvals received beyond the 24-hour window will require an updated approval from the instructor.)
- The New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences will complete a final review to approve or deny your request, and the advising unit will notify you of this final decision. If approved, you will need to acknowledge a *late-add statement and your request will be sent to the Registrar for processing. (Instructor approval does not guarantee administrative approval from the advising office).
For questions, please call 602-543-3000.
Please note: It is the student’s responsibility to identify whether or not the student will receive any grading or attendance penalties for any missed classes. Instructors are not required to offer makeup work or points for any work missed.