Academic Standing Explained

Students must maintain an ASU cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher at the end of each fall or spring semester to remain in  Academic Good Standing. Changes to your academic status are reflected on your MyASU page and will appear as Academic Warning, Academic Probation, Continuing Probation or Disqualification. 

Students in good academic standing are eligible to enroll at ASU. Students with an academic warning or on academic probation are considered in conditional good standing and are permitted to enroll. 

Academic Warning

A student who does not achieve a 2.00 GPA at the completion of their first semester will receive an academic warning.

You are not restricted from enrolling at ASU, and it is important to make substantive academic changes to prevent Academic Probation or Disqualification

See How do I return to good academic standing below for more information.

Academic Probation

If after one semester with an academic warning a student still does not achieve the minimum GPA standard, the student will be placed on probation for at least one additional semester.

Additionally, if a student's cumulative GPA falls below the standard in a semester that is not the student's first term at ASU, the student will be placed on probation. Failure to return to good academic standing after being placed on probation may result in disqualification.

See How do I return to good academic standing below for more information.


Continuing Probation

If a student already on Academic Probation does not achieve an ASU cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher but earns a semester GPA of 2.0 in the most recent semester, the student may be placed on continuing probation. Please note that some colleges have higher GPA standards for continuing probation.

See How do I return to good academic standing below for more information.


If a student on Academic Probation or Continuing Probation does not meet the standards set by their college, they are disqualified from the university.

Disqualification means that you are restricted from enrolling at ASU in future fall/spring semesters. If you are already enrolled in coursework for the next semester, those courses will be administratively dropped. Readmission to the university must be approved before returning to ASU.

You are encouraged to work with your academic advisor on a plan for achieving the goals that brought you to ASU. 

How do I return to good academic standing?

Arizona State University believes that every student has the potential to succeed. We also understand there are many circumstances that can impact a student’s academic performance and their ability to earn passing grades. These challenges should be seen as opportunities to learn and signal the need to develop a success plan with an academic advisor to return to good standing. Students on academic warning or probation are still permitted to enroll. 

In the event a student’s GPA falls below 2.00, their college may require them to complete UNI 220: Mindset Connections Program (1 Credit). This course is designed to provide the skills and strategies needed to help students discover their full potential by exploring topics and research that supports them academically and personally. Students shape class dynamics by sharing their experiences in engaging discussions and activities.

Find more information about next steps for returning to university academic good standing by visiting the site below for each academic college:

Students in the following academic colleges should contact their advisor:

  • Global Futures, College of
  • Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, New College of
  • Journalism and Mass Communication, Walter Cronkite School of
  • Public Service and Community Solutions, Watts College of