Residency Petition Documentation
Your documentation is a critical part of your petition. However, the list of documents needed can only be generated after you have completed the online questionnaire portion of your petition. Use the residency navigator to help determine which petition type is most applicable to your situation and start your petition from here.
If you have questions or need assistance, contact the residency office for help.
Submitting Documentation
You will use the residency petition dashboard to upload and submit all required documentation. This is a secure application that stores your documents directly to your student record. Be sure to submit all documents prior to the document deadline.
Here are some tips to help you with uploading your documents:
- Each requested item requires a separate file. For example, you will have one file for your driver’s license, one for your voter registration, etc.
- You can and should upload multiple files for specific items. For example, 12 months of bank statements would be uploaded as 12 separate files. This simplifies the review process and makes it easier to keep track of your documents.
- You can add descriptions to your uploaded documents to clarify what that document is or why it is being provided.
- You can delete documents that were added by mistake; however, once you hit the “Submit Documents” button, your documents are saved to your student record and cannot be removed.
- Your required documents list is generated based on how you answer certain questions. All documents are important and not providing something may cause your petition to be denied.
- Per ABOR guidelines, “Objective Evidence” means documentation or information other than an individual’s own statement(s) of intent. Statements of intent will not meet your burden to provide objective evidence.
- You can upload some documents and then return at a later date to finish, but nothing is official until you click on the "Submit Documents" button.
- You won’t be able to submit your documents until request documents have been uploaded.
- Acceptable file types are: .BMP, .CSV, .DOC, .DOCX, .JPEG, .JPG, .PDF, .PNG, .RTF, .TIF, .TIFF, .TXT, .XLS, .XLSX
- Make it easy for your evaluator to quickly make sense of your documents by giving each file a unique or descriptive name, e.g., "May_2021_Bank_Statement".
If you get stuck or have an issue, try this: How to Upload Documents. Or, let us know - we can help you through the process.
Petition Fees
Petition fees can be paid from the Residency Petition Dashboard. If payment is required for your petition type, your petition will not be reviewed until this fee is paid. The Residency Classification Office cannot accept or process any fee payments.
Petition Instructions
Click on the link below to find instructions for your petition type.
Additional Information
- Petitions are processed based on when they are completed (and marked as “in queue”). Submit your petition and supporting documents as early as possible.
- When you submit a petition, a priority task will appear in My ASU to remind you to support your petition with appropriate documentation. Once we have what we need, this task will be removed.
- The university considers all information relevant to your request – this includes anything in your academic record – e.g. admissions application, financial aid awards, etc.
- We may verify the authenticity of all documents provided and may add our own research or findings to your petition.
- You are expected to provide all required documents. If there is something you can’t provide, please submit a written explanation instead.
- Your documentation must be clear and legible.
- All students are advised to redact sensitive information prior to the submission of certain documents, e.g., your social security number on your tax return.
- You may be asked for additional documents or written explanation.
- The burden of proof belongs to you. It is your responsibility to support your petition with appropriate documentation.
- Applications and accompanying documentation will be retained by Arizona State University in accordance with university approved requirements. All information will be kept confidential as required by law and university policy.
- Moving to Arizona? Arizona Department of Revenue
- New to Arizona? Arizona Motor Vehicle Division
- Request a copy of an Arizona tax return from the Arizona Department of Revenue
- Request a motor vehicle record from the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division
- Request a tax transcript from the Internal Revenue Service
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
- Arizona Board of Regents Residency Classification