Summer Sessions
Register for summer classes
Get finished faster. Taking summer school classes offers you a chance to get closer to your degree, get caught up on degree requirements or get experience in courses for personal and/or professional development. Attend one, two or all three sessions. Choose from hundreds of six-week or eight-week sessions, on campus or online.
The ASU academic calendar has all the dates and deadlines you need to know.
Enrolling in summer school allows new students to get familiar with college life at ASU and adjust to the rigor and pace of college courses before taking a full course load. Summer sessions also provide students with flexibility in their course loads during the fall and spring semesters.
How to enroll in summer classes
Your status determines your steps to enroll.
Current Student
View the summer schedule of classes and register using Class Search. Registration begins on Feb. 7, 2024 for all sessions.
Admitted Undergraduate Student
All new fall undergraduate students who have been admitted as degree-seeking students can register for summer classes. Freshmen can get assistance with summer course selection and registration during their orientation advising session. New, undergraduate transfer students may register for summer classes from My ASU.
New Graduate Student
New graduate students can register for classes using Class Search. If you're not already an admitted graduate student, submit an application for graduate admission.
Returning ASU Undergraduate
If you are an undergraduate degree-seeking student who previously attended ASU but who has not been enrolled at ASU for up to seven consecutive fall or spring semesters, you may be eligible to return through Quick Re-entry. You do not need to submit a new application or application fee.
If you have previously attended ASU but have not been enrolled at ASU for eight or more semesters, you must apply for readmission using the admission application.
Nondegree Seeking Student
If you are an undergraduate student who would like to take classes for personal development this summer, you may submit an application for undergraduate admission as a nondegree student.
Summer session resources
ASU student housing has summer housing options available at all campuses. Your room rate includes a furnished room, utilities, cable and internet services, community facilities and amenities.
Financial Aid
Need financial aid to attend summer sessions? Eligible continuing and new students are considered for summer financial assistance after completing the summer financial aid process.
Tuition & Fees
View summer general undergraduate and graduate tuition and fees.
Load Limit
Students taking summer classes must comply with the summer sessions credit load limit:
- seven semester hours for each six-week session
- nine semester hours for the eight-week session
- may not exceed a total of 14 semester hours for any combination of sessions
Requests in excess of seven credit hours per summer session must be approved by the college of your major. Please speak with your college for more information on obtaining an overload petition.
Registration & Advising
Use My ASU to access online registration tools to schedule classes for summer sessions.
ASU highly encourages students to seek advising and review course prerequisites to ensure appropriate class selection.

Why take summer classes at ASU?
Inside ASU podcast
School's NOT out for summer: Summer Sessions at ASU
Summer might conjure up images of beaches and barbecues, but at ASU it's also about books and classrooms. That's because as part of ASU Summer Sessions, we offer hundreds of classes to get you closer to your degree. In this episode, Emily and Ben give you all the details on summer courses at ASU.