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FERPA for Faculty and Staff

No, actually, it's not. Everyone who deals with protected student information needs to be cautious about "passive" and unintended releases of information. This includes leaving information visible on your desk or walking away from a computer screen that displays student information. We even need to be alert to where monitors are placed, so that they are not visible through a window or doorway.

While there is an expectation that students may learn each other's names through the course of regular class activities during the term, official class rosters include student names and ID numbers, which may not be disclosed without the advance written consent of each individual student. A better approach would be to encourage your students to go to My ASU to confirm their registration. If they have individual questions or concerns, they should contact any registration location.


This should be reported to your department chair, so that the protected information can be removed from public access immediately and the necessary steps of SSM107-02: Lost, Stolen, or Inappropriately Disclosed Student Records Information Policy can be followed immediately. Experience has shown that when this occurs, it is generally unintentional. Many people have the mistaken notion that if they do not provide a link to their Web space, it is private. With the powerful search engines that are available today, everyone must ensure that they are using appropriate security measures when placing sensitive information on the Web.

While we would prefer that students follow generally accepted protocol and ask permission in advance of using your name as a reference, you may still be able to provide assistance. First, if this is a frequent occurrence, you may wish to notify your current and future students that they need to discuss this with you in advance. Second, you should require written permission from each student who wishes to use you as a reference. For you to discuss the student and his/her performance freely, the permission needs to be worded very broadly. If the authorization is worded narrowly, be certain that you only discuss those areas which you have been given permission to disclose.

I am the faculty/staff sponsor for the local chapter of an honorary organization that is an officially registered campus group. The national chapter has asked me for a list of candidates so they can send membership invitations, but one of the criteria is a certain GPA. May I send them the list? No, it would be inappropriate to provide any information that has been sorted by GPA or any other piece of non-directory information. What you may do is send the invitation mailing from here without providing your national office the list. This gives students the opportunity to self-select by responding or not responding to the invitation and keeps ASU compliant with FERPA. Note that it is also inappropriate to permit any student members to have access to candidate information, if it is prepared using any non-directory information. Developing a list of potential candidates is not accomplished centrally. Your department or college has staff with ASU data and reporting tools access who can prepare this list for you. If you have any questions about this procedure, please consult with a member of the administrative staff in University Registrar Services.

Not necessarily. ASU permits release of "directory information" as defined by FERPA, unless a student directs us not to release such information. Referring a requestor to University Registrar Services is always appropriate in this situation. Otherwise, please go to policy SSM 107–01: Release of Student Information to view ASU's definition of directory information, and make your decision based on that.

No, this is a problem. Although it may seem like a good service to your students to provide quick return of materials in this way, there is nothing to prevent anyone from inappropriately sifting through all of the papers to learn grades other than his own and possibly to obtain other students' identifying information, all of which is protected.

No, this would be a FERPA violation, unless you obtain the specific written consent of each student in advance. Class rosters contain personally indentifiable information, e.g., photo and ID number, which is protected from disclosure to third parties, even classmates, by FERPA. Such rosters are intended for instructor use only.

The answer is perhaps. It would be a FERPA violation to include information about any student who has directed the university not to release his/her information. Additionally, without advance written consent, it would be a violation to disclose grades or performance indicators for any student. If you obtain written permission from each student, it would be permissible to include the information. The department would need to retain the written permission as documentation about the release.

ASU has a policy and procedure that must be followed when information is lost, stolen or inappropriately disclosed. Please go to SSM 107–02 for instructions.  The staff in the University Registrar Services administrative office is available to provide assistance as needed.

Yes! All student records that are created and/or maintained by anyone in the university are protected by FERPA in exactly the same way. This includes derived databases in academic departments, colleges, business offices, etc.


This can be an extremely frustrating area for parents of traditionally aged students, particularly if the parents are paying the bills. Nonetheless, all FERPA rights transfer from the parent to the student when the student either reaches the age of eighteen or moves into postsecondary education, regardless of age. This means that you may not discuss anything about a student with a parent or spouse, unless you have advance written consent from the student, or can confirm that a formal consent for access or affidavit of dependency is on file and noted in the student information system (Peoplesoft).

The biggest difference is that when a student comes to your office, you will ask for picture identification, and you are unable to do that through the mail or email. It is always appropriate to communicate with a student by mail, provided that you use the student's address of record with ASU, which you may find in the student information system. Email is another situation entirely. So much of our work has been improved by the use of technology, and both the ease and the speed of email make it a very appealing communication choice. However, users should exercise extreme caution in using email to communicate confidential or sensitive matters and should not assume that email is private and confidential. It is especially important that users are careful to send messages only to the intended recipient(s). If a student prefers to use email, you may want to obtain his/her advance, signed, written authorization to exchange information by email. The document should include their understanding that they assume all risk assumed with any possible inappropriate interception of an email transmission. If you do follow this approach, be certain to retain the signed authorization document. Also, you should correspond only to the student's official email address.

Again, it is required that you have written authorization from the student, if you are going to discuss anything about his orher performance, which is likely what the recipient of your letter will be looking for. In addition, if you are writing a letter of recommendation for admission to a graduate program, you may also be shown a copy of a form the student has signed waiving his or her right to view your letter. It is good practice to copy that form and retain it for your own records, along with the student's written authorization document.

It is recommended you refer the student to a member of the University Registrar Services administrative staff at 480-965-7302 to discuss the applicability of the Lost, Stolen, or Inappropriately Disclosed Student Records Information Policy at SSM 107-02.

This can be very awkward. If the student has told us not to release any information, university employees may not even acknowledge that the person is or has ever been a student here. You might say, "I have no releasable information." If the caller questions that statement, you may reiterate what you have already said; or, of course, you may refer them to University Registrar Services at 480-965-3124.

You share the responsibility for protecting the privacy rights of ASU students and their records. You should become familiar with the various requirements of FERPA, a synopsis of which is available here. University policy regarding the management of student records is based on this federal legislation. The penalty for inappropriate disclosure is the withdrawal of federal funding of essentially all types. The staff in the University Registrar Services is available to provide guidance for any situation. Additional information is available at these websites:

After confirming that you are following the appropriate retention schedule, shredding is the preferred method.

All requests for student information, whether by subpoena, court order or authorization, should be sent to the University Registrar Services administrative office for review and processing. If the request calls for more information than is available directly from University Registrar Services, those materials will be gathered together under the direction of the Office of General Counsel and submitted as a package in response to the request. Do not be intimidated by a badge. Refer all inquiries to University Registrar Services.

FERPA does not permit the public disclosure of personally identifiable student information. Posting grades in the manner you have described would be a violation. It is, however, permissible to post student grades if you use the methods approved by the university. For example, you may use the Posting-ID that is provided on your class rosters. Additional information is available in the Academic Affairs Policy Manual, ACD 304-03.

Leave of absence

Yes. Student can view their unofficial transcripts through their My ASU page.

Yes. Once all coursework is complete and graded, please request official transcripts to be sent directly from the transfer institution to ASU at the following address:

Arizona State University
PO Box 870112
Tempe, AZ 85287-0112

Yes. If you wish to return to ASU prior to the end of your scheduled leave you will need to contact University Registrar Services at 480-965-3124 so that your return may be updated immediately to maximize enrollment opportunities and meet any college, financial aid, etc. deadlines.

Yes. If you are unable to return to ASU by the term you initially identified, then you may request an extension through the college of your major. To extend your LOA, please complete the LOA form and submit to your college for approval.

We recommend checking your My ASU page often during your LOA so that you may stay informed about registration dates, financial aid and tuition deadlines and advising holds that may occur prior to the end of your leave.

No. In order to request a deferment of your scholarship, you will need to complete the Scholarship Deferment Application found on the Scholarship website. To have your scholarship reinstated after the deferment period, you will need to complete the Scholarship Reinstatement Request form. 

View your registration date as well as any current registration holds and "To Do" list items on My ASU. Schedule an appointment with your advisor to discuss course selection. Submit transcripts for coursework you completed during your LOA.

No. In order to defer loans, students must be currently enrolled. While the LOA keeps student records up to date, it does not allow for deferment. Please contact your lender for more information.

Declaring Arizona Residency

No. Any person requesting classification as a resident for tuition purposes must prove they meet ABOR requirements or that they meet one of the approved exceptions.

No. Your status will be determined based on a review of your situation, but living with family members or friends is not an indicator of intent or domicile and will not influence your status.

Average processing time is 4-6 weeks. Petitions submitted closer to the deadline may take longer. If you need a decision prior to the first day of classes, you should submit everything (petition and all required documents) no later than the priority deadline. You can monitor the status of your petition from the residency reclassification application portal. When a decision is made, an email will be sent to your @ASU email address.

No. Your status will remain non-resident and any student wanting to be re-classified must initiate the process by contacting the residency office and submitting a petition by the appropriate deadline. Simply being a student at ASU for one year is not sufficient for residency purposes per ABOR policy, which reads, “No individual has established residency for tuition purposes in Arizona while attending any education institution in Arizona as a full-time student in the absence of objective evidence to the contrary.”

No. Any person wishing to be classified as a resident would need to provide objective evidence of intent to be a permanent resident of Arizona and demonstrate that all ties to the former state have been severed.

No. These positions are funded by waivers submitted by your college or department that pays the out-of-state portion of your tuition and fees; but, your status for residency purposes remains non-resident. To request reclassification, you would need to submit residency petition and appropriate supporting documentation.

Not necessarily. Residency for tuition purposes for the three state universities is determined according to guidelines established by the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR). The community colleges are not governed by ABOR and your classification as a resident at the community college may or may not be in compliance with current ABOR policies.

The WUE/WICHE program allows residents of a participating state to pay a special, reduced tuition rate at participating institutions in other states. However, the student must maintain residency in the originating state. In other words, by participating as a WUE/WICHE student you are affirming that you are not an Arizona resident. ABOR requirements for physical presence and intent to be an Arizona resident cannot be satisfied as a WUE/WICHE student. Refer to the ASU WUE page for more information.

Your residency classification is determined by a review of all of the information provided on your admissions application in accordance with guidelines provided by the Arizona Board of Regents. Your status as a non-resident is a result of one or more factors used to determine this classification. Please review the Residency Classification web page and contact a residency specialist if you have any questions.

Owning property in Arizona does not automatically qualify you as a resident for tuition purposes. Property ownership is one factor to be considered, but would not be sufficient without other objective evidence of domicile and intent.

Leaving Arizona will not result in a loss of Arizona residency unless your absence is accompanied by actions that indicate intent to establish a new domicile elsewhere. Former residents of Arizona who established domicile elsewhere would be classified as non-residents upon return and would not be eligible for residency until current ABOR policies are met. Residency classification is re-visited after any break in enrollment or absence from the university.

Please submit your Qualified Tuition Reduction Form (QTR) to the Student Accounts Office. Once submitted, that office will notify the Residency Office who will adjust your residency status for the term in question.

Yes. There is a provision in current ABOR guidelines that would allow you to be re-classified if you marry a resident of Arizona. You would request reclassification by submitting a residency petition and providing appropriate documentation to support that both you and your spouse meet current ABOR guidelines for the spouse exception.

No. Your residency classification is evaluated against current ABOR policy and your parent’s status as an alumnus is not a consideration.

No, you would be classified as a non-resident. Per ABOR guidelines, “The domicile of an unemancipated person is that of either parent.” You may, however, qualify for the Non-Resident Tuition Rate for Arizona High School Graduates, which is 150% of in-state tuition.

FERPA for Students

Yes, and you need to determine the appropriate balance between your desire to restrict your information and the need for people to be able to locate you. Here are some examples of what could occur after you have restricted release of your directory information: ASU could not provide your telephone number to a classmate trying to contact you to give you information about a class project. ASU could not give your address or telephone number to family members who are in town unexpectedly for the weekend and want to see you, but forgot to bring your address and telephone number. After you graduate, ASU could not confirm for a potential employer that you have completed your degree, without your advance written consent. Following your wish for full nondisclosure, ASU could not even confirm that you had ever been a student.

Yes, you have three choices, and it is important that you carefully consider your decision: By taking no action, you are choosing to authorize release of all your directory information from your ASU records. You may choose to allow the release of all of your directory information from your ASU records except your address (including email address) and telephone number. To update your address and telephone number, access My ASU or submit the appropriate form at any registrar location. You may choose to permit the release of none of your directory information from your ASU records.

No, FERPA applies to education records, which includes essentially everything the university maintains about you in any media. Categories of education records areas may include academic, financial, residential life, activities, disciplinary, etc. Medical and/or personal counseling records are protected under separate regulations and professional guidelines.

Yes and no. ASU does have a policy in place that controls the sale of releasable student information. However, it has been our experience that very few lists are sold — perhaps an average of four per year. It is quite likely that names and addresses of individuals who receive a lot of junk mail have been acquired in another manner. For example, the online ASU Directory is available free to anyone. As described above, all students who have not directed the university to limit the release of their directory information will be listed in that directory. Additionally, there are other non-university sources from which vendors and others may acquire student information. If you believe that someone has inappropriately acquired your information from a university resource, you are strongly encouraged to notify University Registrar Services immediately. Please call Records Information at 480-965-3124 for assistance.

ASU does not mail grade reports, even to students. You are encouraged to discuss the following options for obtaining your grades in advance of the close of your first semester at ASU: Access My ASU and use your ASURITE UserID and password to view your grades and/or unofficial transcript. Print a copy from this site and give it to your family or sponsor. Grant your parent or family member My ASU Parent Guest Access, which is a tool that allows students to share FERPA protected information with parents and guests. Visit any registrar location and request a copy of your unofficial transcript, which will reflect all of your grades. Provide a copy to your family or sponsor.

Important note to discuss with your parents/family: Once you have moved into postsecondary education, regardless of your age, all rights belong to you. Unlike your elementary school and high school experience, your parents and others have no inherent rights to access your education records. To avoid any misunderstandings, you are strongly encouraged to discuss this new aspect of educational rights with your family before beginning classes. Three options are available: The easiest and the recommended way is for you to print a copy from My ASU and share it with them. You may grant your parent or family member My ASU Parent Guest Access, which is a tool that allows students to share FERPA-protected information with parents and guests. If you are their tax dependent, your parents may provide a copy of their most recent U.S. tax return to document your tax dependent status, along with a notarized Affidavit of Dependency (form available from University Registrar Services), in order to view or obtain a copy of your records without your consent. Please note: We do not recommend this option — it is preferable that you maintain open lines of communication with your family about all aspects of your education, including your records and your grades.

There are three primary ways through which your personal directiory information may be released to third parties: display in the online university directory response to a third party's request for directory information sale to an outside individual or agency If you want to place restrictions on the release of your directory information, complete a Withhold Directory Information Request and submit it to any registrar location. Note: It is important to remember that your decision remains in effect until you request in writing to change it.

ASU's FERPA policy is in place to protect your records and to prevent inappropriate disclosure. This means that you must provide picture identification for in-person access to services and your records. You must select your private password when activating your ASURITE UserID, which you will use to access web-based records and services. Don't share your password with anyone. For your protection, services over the telephone and email may be limited if the university representative you are calling or emailing does not know you or is not confident of your identity. Your directory information (see list in Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) may be released to anyone who asks, unless you take specific steps to prevent the release of your information (see Question #2). Also, you can grant permission for ASU to share information from your educational records with specific people you identify (see Question #4).

Under the terms of the federal Education Tax Credits legislation, ASU is required to provide tuition and fee payment information annually to the IRS. Your SSN is required for this reporting, even if you use a non-SSN student ID number and you will claim neither the Hope Scholarship tax credit nor the Lifetime Learning tax credit. Additionally, if you apply for financial assistance of any type (grants, loans, scholarships, etc.), you will be required to submit your SSN with that application.

It is important that we use the same definition of emergency. If your brother forgot to make a deposit into your checking account and needs to find you right away, that is not an emergency. However, if there is a dangerous fire or safety situation, appropriate officials may be given your contact information.


Yes. You may grant your parent, family member or sponsor My ASU Parent Guest Access, which is a tool that allows students to share FERPA-protected information with parents and guests. The authorization remains in effect until you withdraw it.

Forty-five days is the maximum permissible waiting period under the law; however, at ASU you will typically be able to view your records immediately upon request.

You are encouraged to discuss the matter with the individual or office responsible for the alleged violation. If that is not possible or is not comfortable for you, please contact University Registrar Services at 480-965-3124 and ask for assistance.

Additional information is available from a variety of resources. Try these:

Graduation FAQs

Ceremonies held at Grady Gammage Auditorium will require a ticket. Ceremonies held at Wells Fargo Arena or other venues currently do not require tickets. Please check with the dean’s office of your college for details.

No. Diplomas are printed and mailed by an outside vendor to the diploma address listed on your profile page on My ASU.

Students will RSVP from a link on their My ASU page - go to My Programs and select the Graduation tab. You must apply to graduate and pay the application fee first. You will receive a confirmation via email after successfully submitting your response.

The majority of degrees are posted within 10-14 days of the degree conferral date.

This is the date recorded on your transcript signifying when your degree was officially recognized. All requirements must be met by this date. Dates are published in the University's Academic Calendar.

There is a summer conferral date, but no ceremonies are held in the summer. Summer graduates will be recognized in the Fall commencement book and can choose to participate in either spring or fall ceremonies. Contact your college convocation coordinator for further information.

A graduating student is someone who has met all graduation requirements, whereas “walking” means a student who is participating in ceremonies but is not graduating yet. Diplomas are mailed and not given to students at either commencement or convocation. Students typically participate in the ceremonies that correspond to their graduation semester and students wishing to "walk" in a different ceremony should contact their college convocation coordinator for additional information.

Generally, diplomas arrive 6-8 weeks after the degree conferral date. You will get an email notification when your diploma has been mailed; for most, diplomas arrive about 2 weeks from this date. More information regarding diplomas can be found on our diploma page

ASU hosts a number of graduation ceremonies each fall and spring semester. See University Ceremonies for details.

The graduation application notifies our office that it is time to evaluate your record to see if we can award your degree.

This could be a different answer for every person that asks, but each semester there is a considerable amount of end-of-term processing that must occur before degrees can be posted. To ensure that your degree gets posted as soon as possible, please review your DARS or iPOS and work with your advisor to make sure all requirements are marked as complete. The majority of degrees are posted within 10-14 days of the degree conferral date.

It's common for universities to have a fee associated with graduation. The graduation fee pays for items such as the diploma, diploma case, honor cords, postage, mailers, etc.

Registration and Transcripts

Provided that the student has been admitted to the university, college approval is required to register for classes after the Drop/Add deadline. Contact the college offering the desired course and follow the instructions given. For initial registration, contact the college of your major. Consult the academic calendar for important deadlines and view detailed instructions on dropping and adding classes.

Yes, someone else may order or pick up your official transcript as long as you give written and signed authorization to do so. The request must include all the information requested for ordering an official transcript.

No. Credit is awarded for traditional course work successfully completed at institutions of higher learning as indicated by ASU and the Arizona Board of Regents. However, only the name of the institution(s) and degrees awarded are listed on the ASU transcript.

You may request unofficial copies of transcripts from other schools if they were submitted to ASU and if they remain on file. If you are requesting transfer transcripts for official purposes, you must order transcripts from the issuing institutions.

Your ASU ID or affiliate number can be found on your Sun Card listed as a 10-digit number, or you can login to My ASU and look under ID’s on the My Profile tab.

Holds are listed on your My ASU page under the My Tasks section. There are two types of holds: financial aid disbursement holds and registration holds. Click on the title of Hold to find out how to have the hold removed.

Search for the course in the Schedule of Classes. The pre-requisites are listed in the Enrollment Information section of the Class Detail.

Course descriptions for catalogs after 1996 can be printed from the web at the catalog web site.  For course descriptions prior to 1996, contact University Archives or 480-965-4932. 

Contact the department offering the desired course, and follow the instructions they provide. Overrides are given either online or on paper. Paper forms must be processed in person at any registration location.

Official transcripts can be ordered online via My ASU, in person or through the mail. Read more detailed information about ordering official transcripts.

To register for the first time or make any changes to your existing registration you have the following options: Log into My ASU and navigate to the My Classes box. Use the registration link and follow the three easy steps listed there. Registration is available 24 hours per day, excluding scheduled outages. You may also visit any registration location to register in person. See detailed instructions and check the academic calendar for important drop/add/withdrawal deadlines.

The majority of degrees are posted within10-14 days of the degree conferral date. If you need to request an official transcript with your degree posted, you have the option to "hold for degree" which will ensure your official transcript will not be issued until your degree is posted.

Once the transcript is received, normal processing time is four to six weeks.

All students born after January 1, 1957 are required to meet the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) immunization requirement before class registration. Students have two options for completing this requirement and both are explained here. The MMR vaccine is available for a fee at any of ASU's Health Services locations. Read additional information about MMR. Read additional information about ASU’s Immunization Policy FAQ’s

You may obtain an unofficial and official transcripts if you have past due financial obligations to the university. Graduates with a delinquent financial obligation of $25 or more will not receive a diploma until their account is paid. Questions about delinquent accounts can be directed to Collections at 480-965-5220.

Currently enrolled, newly admitted/readmitted or former ASU students may submit a Student Change of Legal Name Form electronically through DocuSign, by mail, in person or by scanning and e-mailing. All requests require two different forms of documentation, one of which must be picture identification (state/government issued photo ID or ASU Sun Card) and one of the following: marriage license/certificate, adoption papers, court order, divorce decree, social security card or passport/permanent visa. The link to the DocuSign form and paper form can be found at /forms/name-change. For further assistance email or call 480-965-7276.

The schedule of classes can be found online. A link is also available in the My Classes box in My ASU.

Once registered for a course, it can take 24 hours for the course to appear. If the course still does not appear, contact the Help Desk at 480-965-6500. Be sure to verify you are registered for the course by checking your class schedule on My ASU.

On the Request for Official Transcript form or the online ordering system, you may request one of the following holds:

  • Hold until degree is posted - Your transcript will not be sent until your degree is posted to your ASU transcript.
  • Hold until grades are posted - Your transcript will not be sent until all grades for the term you specified on your order are posted to your ASU transcript.