Leave of absence (undergraduate)
The Undergraduate Leave of Absence (LOA) policy assists and encourages undergraduate degree-seeking students to return and graduate after an absence due to military deployment, service on an official church mission or with a foreign aid service of the Federal government, or a permanent disability. If your absence is for any other reason, you may be eligible to return to ASU through Quick Re-entry, which permits undergraduate students to enroll without submitting a new application or application fee if they previously attended ASU but have not enrolled at ASU for up to seven consecutive fall or spring semesters.
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for an Undergraduate LOA, students must be eligible to register for classes and meet the following criteria:
- Be a degree-seeking undergraduate student.
- Be registered during the semester immediately prior to the beginning of the LOA.
- Students who were admitted as new first semester freshmen or transfer students but did not attend will not be eligible for an LOA. Instead, they should contact the Undergraduate Admissions office.
- Students who were readmitted but did not attend will not be eligible for an LOA. Instead, they should contact the Undergraduate Admissions office.
- Students who are participating in an ASU-sponsored study abroad program need not apply for an LOA.
- Be in academic good standing, warning, probation, or continuing probation with their college.
- Have no hold (e.g., disciplinary, financial, testing, etc.) which would restrict registration. Note: Students with financial holds may be given consideration for an LOA if authorized by the Collections Office.
- Have submitted any outstanding high school and/or transfer transcripts, if prior admission/readmission and continued enrollment was contingent upon receipt of those transcripts.
Download the Undergraduate Leave of Absence Request form
Leave of absence FAQ's
Information for students returning from a Leave of Absence.
Yes. Student can view their unofficial transcripts through their My ASU page.
Yes. Once all coursework is complete and graded, please request official transcripts to be sent directly from the transfer institution to ASU at the following address:
Arizona State University
PO Box 870112
Tempe, AZ 85287-0112
Yes. If you wish to return to ASU prior to the end of your scheduled leave you will need to contact University Registrar Services at 480-965-3124 so that your return may be updated immediately to maximize enrollment opportunities and meet any college, financial aid, etc. deadlines.
Yes. If you are unable to return to ASU by the term you initially identified, then you may request an extension through the college of your major. To extend your LOA, please complete the LOA form and submit to your college for approval.
We recommend checking your My ASU page often during your LOA so that you may stay informed about registration dates, financial aid and tuition deadlines and advising holds that may occur prior to the end of your leave.
No. In order to request a deferment of your scholarship, you will need to complete the Scholarship Deferment Application found on the Scholarship website. To have your scholarship reinstated after the deferment period, you will need to complete the Scholarship Reinstatement Request form.
View your registration date as well as any current registration holds and "To Do" list items on My ASU. Schedule an appointment with your advisor to discuss course selection. Submit transcripts for coursework you completed during your LOA.
No. In order to defer loans, students must be currently enrolled. While the LOA keeps student records up to date, it does not allow for deferment. Please contact your lender for more information.