Residency Petition Review Form
Students that petitioned for residency reclassification but were denied by the residency office can request a review of their decision per ABOR 4-205. Students are only eligible after their residency petition has been reviewed and denied.
- Requests must be submitted no later than the deadline posted on the student's denial notification. Failure to file a request within the time prescribed shall constitute a waiver of your right to request a review..
- Your request must include: (a) your current mailing address; (b) the reasons you are challenging your residency classification; and (c) a statement setting forth all facts in support of your claim that your petition denial is erroneous.
- All new documentation must be submitted with your request to ensure that committee members have sufficient time to review prior to your hearing.
- All students should review this page prior to submitting their request: Committee Review
Residency Petition Review Request
Click here to submit the form electronically. Electronic submissions will be sent automatically to University Registrar Services.