Residency Petition Committee Review
Students that petitioned for residency reclassification but were denied by the residency office can request a review of their decision per ABOR 4-205. Reviews are only conducted only after the student's petition has been denied by the residency office.
The petition review process gives the student an opportunity to meet with the Residency Classification Review Committee and to provide additional information in support of their request to be classified as a resident for tuition purposes. Decisions made by the review committee are final.
Per policy, all requests for review must be filed no later than 35 days after the last day of registration for the term for which your petition was submitted. Failure to file a request for a review hearing within the time prescribed shall constitute a waiver of the right to request a review hearing and the determination made by the Residency Classification Office shall be final. Students cannot request a review until their residency petition has been denied. The deadline to request a committee review will be noted on the decision summary prepared by the residency office.
Submit your Review Request
Before submitting your request, please review your decision summary and denial letter (and current Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) guidelines.) If you do not have a denial letter or decision summary, you are not yet eligible to request a committee review.
- Form: Residency Petition Committee Review Request
- Additional instructions are included on the form.
New Documentation
New documentation should be submitted with your review request. You will have 7 days after submitting your request to upload and submit additional documentation. This ensures that all review committee members have sufficient time to consider this new information prior to your hearing.
Hearing schedules are created prior to each semester based on committee member availability. Every effort will be made to accommodate your class schedule; however, with limited dates and times there can be no guarantee that your hearing will be compatible with your schedule. Requests for changes must be submitted in writing no later than 5 business days prior to your scheduled hearing.
- Reviews are prioritized and scheduled based on receipt date of your request.
- You will receive notification of your scheduled review at least 7 business days prior to your hearing.
- Hearings are only scheduled on weekdays and may be scheduled during spring, fall or winter breaks.
Review Hearing
All review hearings will be conducted via Zoom and hosted by a representative from the University (who otherwise does not participate). Committees will have 3, 4 or 5 voting members, all of whom will have a thorough understanding of your situation and applicable residency requirements. Members will review all aspects of your petition and ask questions relevant to your situation. Your hearing is limited to 30 minutes and a decision will made at either the conclusion of your hearing or within 10 business days.
It is preferable, but not required, that you attend this hearing. If you choose to not attend, your hearing will be held in absentia and the committee will make their final decision based on all information available to them. Hearings held in absentia cannot be rescheduled.
Counsel or Representation
You are allowed to invite witnesses or have legal representation at your hearing. If an attorney or other person(s) will be representing you at your hearing, please provide the Residency Office with that information in advance. The format of your hearing will be determined by the committee.
Review Committee Decision
Decisions of the Residency Classification Review Committee are final. Overturning the decision to deny your petition requires a majority vote from the committee. In the unlikely event of a tie vote, the original decision made by the Residency Office shall stand.
Written notice of the decision made by the committee will be sent to the email address assigned to you by the University, i.e., your @asu email address.
Per ABOR policy, if your decision is upheld by the review committee (i.e. denied), there are no further procedures within the university available to you, but you may have the right to seek judicial review in the state courts. See ABOR 4-205 for additional information.
Other Considerations:
- All review hearings are recorded, as required by ABOR policy.
- If the decision to deny your petition is overturned, your tuition will be adjusted and/or refunded for the term in question, as applicable.
- Committee members must comply with ABOR guidelines and have no authority to make exceptions.
- Having a review scheduled does not excuse you from other deadlines, obligations or commitments, including submitting a new petition for subsequent semesters.