Late Registration: W. P. Carey School of Business
To register for a Business class after the drop/add deadline the course must be open and course prerequisites must be met. You are requesting an exception to university policy; there is no guarantee that a late add request will be approved.
Requests to late drop a course offered by the W. P. Carey School of Business will not be considered. Students may request a course withdrawal after the drop/add deadline via My ASU. A withdrawal will remove the class from your current schedule and will result in a grade of ‘W’ on your official transcript. The grade of ‘W’ has no impact on your grade point average (GPA).
If adding a business course and dropping a non-business course: We only have permission to approve W. P. Carey courses. Students must withdraw from the non-business course if it is past the drop/add deadline or speak with the college that offers the course if there are extenuating circumstances.
All overrides and holds must be taken care of prior to submission of the Enrollment Change Request form.
The late add process may be completed fully electronically or in-person with a hard copy form.
Electronically via Email
- Complete the Enrollment Change Request form
- Obtain the instructor’s approval. This can be a signature or an email. (ACC courses can skip to step 3)
- Obtain department approval by visiting the appropriate W. P. Carey academic department/unit that offers the course or emailing the form with the instructor’s approval to that department. Academic department/unit contact information can be found below.
- The academic department/unit will forward your request to the W. P. Carey Undergraduate office for final approval.
- You will be notified of your request via email. If approved, you will be copied on the email to the Registrar's office to add the course.
Allow 1 – 2 business days for processing. If approved, your Enrollment Change Request form will be emailed to the Registrar’s Office for processing and you will be copied on the transaction.
Academic Department/Unit Email and Locations
Accountancy, School of Courses: ACC Email: Location: BA 223Q |
Agribusiness, Morrison School of Courses: AGB and BUS 384 (Poly sections) Email: Location: SANTN, Suite 230 |
Economics Courses: ECN Email: Location: CPCOM 412A |
Finance Courses: FIN and REA Email: Location: BAC 501 |
Information Systems Courses: CIS and WPC 300 Email: Location: BA 301P |
Management and Entrepreneurship Courses: ENT, LES, MGT, WPC 460, WPC 470, and WPC 480 Email: Location: BA 323 |
Marketing Courses: MKT Email: Location: BAC 460 |
Supply Chain Management Courses: SCM and BUS 384 (West sections) Email: Location: BA 445 |
Undergraduate Programs, Dean’s Office Courses: WPC 101, WPC 150 (only instructor approval is required) Career Navigation courses: WPC 148, 248, 347, 348, 448 (only instructor approval is required) Email: Location: BA 160 |