Late Registration: College of Health Solutions

Late registration

Students who request to enroll in a course after the university add deadline should be aware that this exception to university policy is not guaranteed to be approved.

To register for a class after the add deadline, students are required to obtain authorization from the instructor and the college. The course in question must have open seats, and the student must meet the prerequisites. Students who wish to request late registration for a College of Health Solutions course must follow the steps below in the order in which they are listed:

  1. Fill out an enrollment change request form
  2. Obtain the instructor's signature by having them sign the form, or have the instructor send an email confirming their approval to add the course late.
    • Late add requests are only considered with instructor approval during the following time frames:
      • First week of A and B session courses (end of the 5th business day from the first day of the session)
      • Second week of C session courses (end of the 10th business day from the first day of the session)
      • Any late add requests beyond these time frames are not considered.
    • Many classes and labs have attendance policies. Confirm with the instructor whether adding the class late means that the missed days count toward total absences.
    • Students should ask the instructor if they are allowed to make up any work they missed by adding this class late.
  3. Obtain authorization from the College of Health Solutions:
    • Send the signed form and approval, including all pertinent attachments, to the advising office via email:
    • or obtain authorization in person at the following locations:
  4. Submit the approved form to the University Registrar Services office:
    • Once the advising office has provided authorization, submit the form to any Registrar location for processing.

For questions, students can call the College of Health Solutions at 602-496-3300 or toll free 844-857-3348.

The College of Health Solutions may approve a late add, late drop or late withdrawal for a CHS course that is due to extenuating or extraordinary circumstances beyond the student's control. The student must outline extenuating circumstances in an email statement and attach the enrollment change request form along with a written statement or email of support from the instructor of the course. These requests should be sent to